

WNYers rally for, against President Trump


Two separate rallies in Buffalo on Saturday had very different opinions of President Trump.

Seven people gathered on the steps of City Hall Saturday morning to offer support for President Trump.  The small group braved frigid temperatures and stood outside holding flags and signs for several hours.

Just a few blocks away, a different group was rallying outside Hutchinson Central Technical High School on Elmwood Avenue.  They were singling out Governor Andrew Cuomo who they say needs to increase funding for public schools, but also spoke out against President Trump's education policies and his new education secretary Betsy DeVos.

"We want to get our faces out there and our words out there," said Conner Mckean who was participating in the March 4 Trump rally.  "We're not afraid to support Trump.  We wan Trump to know we're here and we do support him."

Mckean enlisted in the Army National Guard the day after President Trump was elected.  He says he wants to take part in the president's "journey to make America great again".

The people rallying said they felt they needed to stand together because of the criticism and opposition they believe President Trump faces everyday.

"You obviously have a lot of people getting out there and showing their hatred for him," David Higgins said.  "We want to show our love for him and our support."

A few dozen people gathered to call for more funding for public schools statewide and also held signs criticizing President Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

"You've got a 'read off the teleprompter the good words that you don't believe in', psycho President Trump," said Jim Anderson with the Alliance for Quality Education.  "You also have D-minus DeVos.  Dishonest.  Destructive."

Governor Cuomo addressed the rallies for education that took place across the state today.

"You know, for some people it’s never enough," he said. "It’s never enough. My education budget is the highest in history. It’s $1 billion more than last year. So, some advocacy groups – that’s what they do. They argue, it’s never enough, it’s never enough. If $1 billion isn’t enough and the highest level in history isn’t enough? What is?"