
Students & parents share concerns during ‘move-in’ day on UB campus

“It’s exciting, but also nerve racking"
Posted at 6:05 PM, Aug 24, 2020

AMHERST, NY (WBKW) — “I hope that everybody is going to be safe and take precautions to keep their own safety,” said Jessie Seidner, Long Island resident.

It was 'move-in' day Monday for University at Buffalo students who will be living in dorms on the north campus in Amherst.

Students will be living in dorm rooms for first time since last March when the campus shutdown at the height of the pandemic.

The Seinders of Long Island moving their daughter into her dorm room Monday on UB's north campus.

It's the annual late August ritual on UB’s north campus — students and parents pushing carts loaded with bedding, luggage and school supplies.

But what's very different this time — everyone is wearing face masks and worried about staying safe from COVID-19 on one of SUNY’s largest campuses.

Students moving in at UB's north campus Monday.

“How are you feeling coming in with COVID?” Buckley asked. “Really nervous,” Seidner responded.

Parents are always worried about dropping off their child for dorm room life, but never before have they done it in a pandemic.

“Seeing the news in other colleges — that definitely makes us worry about you know spreading every where, but hopefully the kids are safe here — they understand what's happening and they do what's right,” remarked Robert Seidner, parent and Long Island resident.

The Seinders helped their daughter Jessie move in to her dorm room.

Randi Seidner said she has "mixed feelings" about her daughter moving in. She says she’s excited her daughter will begin her freshman year, but is nervous about COVID and the obstacles it causes.

“She's very cautious about COVID even at home with her friends — they were pretty observant of the rules of the rules and regulations,” replied Randi Seidner.

Another family arrived from Queens, New York to set their daughter up for her freshman year.

Robert Detassegalles said he’s very worried about his daughter staying safe from the virus while living on campus.

The Detassegalles family from Queens, New York moving their daughter in on UB's north campus Monday.

“How are you feeling today about moving your daughter in?” questioned Buckley. “Very emotional — we worry,” replied Robert Detassegalles. “Very, very worried.”

“It’s exciting, but also nerve racking. I know I have to be more careful than normal,” Nikallea Detassegalles, UB freshman.

The Barclay’s only traveled from Angola.

Their daughter Jillian would rather live on campus than commute from her home, but knows there's an extra risk.

“A little scared — like that something might happen, but i'm also trying to be really careful, so I’m not too too worried,” responded Jillian Barclay.

Barclay said she will limit who she hangs out with and makes sure they agree with her safety precautions.

“And making sure they have the same ideology about being safe, so that if i spend a lot of time with that person, I know at least they’re not my highest risk,” Barclay explained.

The Barclay’s of Angola moving their daughter in on UB's Amherst campus.

We asked Barclay what worries her most about living on campus.

“Other kids deciding to party that's my worry — I’m not going to,” answered Barclay.

“I am concerned the outbreak. I am concerned about the numbers that are rising right now,” parent Ann Barclay said.

The Barclay's have some concerns, but believe being in an honors dorm students will respond the COVID regulations.

“I’m hoping that a lot these people do understand and they're taking more precautions then possibly some of the other doors,” parent Ian Barclay explained.

All UB students, faculty and staff will be required to take daily health screenings.