
Buffalo Public Schools hit with ransomware attack on Friday

Posted 10:05 PM, Mar 12, 2021
and last updated 4:29 PM, Mar 13, 2021

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Buffalo Public Schools officials say the district was hit with a ransomware attack, causing online learning to be canceled on Friday.

According to the district, no demands have been made at this time, however the FBI found out that ransom could be between $100,000 and $300,000 and could be negotiable.

The district says the technical team is triaging and the impact and coordinating recovery efforts, and the FBI is assisting and investigating.

The district says these are the next steps for recovery

  • Office365, Teams, Infinite Campus, Munis, Schoology, Versatran, Blackboard, Clever, ATK2 (phone system) areidentified critical systems for recovery.
  • Validate the status of Office365.
  • Validate the status of Tyler Munis (backup) and can it be restored in a cloud environment.
  • Validate the status of Infinite Campus.
  • Validate the status of Azure AD and can it be the primary source for authentication.
  • Create a clean segmented network and restore to Cloud if possible.
  • Restore authentication services.

On Saturday, the district said it is working with technology industry experts and law authorities to resolve the ransomware incident, and will update progress periodically before school starts on Monday.