It may look like an ordinary T-ball game at first glance, but take a closer look. Actually, take a listen.
Beeper ball is the newest sport associated with the Miracle League of Grand Island and Western New York. It allows those who are blind or visually impaired to play baseball.
"It was something that was my life for a good ten years and to be able to hit that ball again and run, it's just a whole lot of fun for me," said athlete Debby
What may be the most unique thing about this game is who they're playing against. Their opponents are everyday people who can all see clearly but instead, they're seeing what it's like to have no sight.
"The experience is invaluable," said executive director Scott McManigle. "They've (the participants) told us afterward that just what it's done for them to not be able to see and to experience what everybody else experiences is a really good thing."
Each person on the opposing team is blindfolded and has to rely on their other senses to play the game. They take turns hitting and running to either one of the beeping bases and also have to field the ball.
"You really learn a different way of life," said LeeAnn Wright, who played opposite the Miracle League team. "It really makes you appreciate what you have."
It's not as easy as it looks. 7 Eyewitness Sports Reporter Jenna Callari gave it a try. She said you almost feel a little helpless because you can't rely on something you use everyday.
But that's the point - to experience what it's like in someone else's shoes.
"We just think it's a great way to expose our community," said. "Just because you're visually impaired, it doesn't mean you have to sit home. You can come out and have fun and enjoy things in life."
If you or your company are interested in playing and giving beeper ball a try, you can contact the Miracle League of Grand Island and Western New York.
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