There's a good chance either you, or someone you know, plays Pokémon GO.
So the big question is this— are there any Bills players who spend time searching for Pokémon just like their fans?
"I didn't bring a TV, Colton (Schmidt) didn't bring a TV, so we thought it'd be really cool to play Pokémon GO and get out and walk around a little bit," Bills kicker Jordan Gay said. "It's good team bonding."
Gay (level 21) and punter Colton Schmidt (level 16) say that some of their teammates have given them a hard time about playing, but eventually they cave and download the game.
"I eventually talk them into joining me," Schmidt said. "Trying to make sure they join my team: Team Instinct."
Conveniently, there's a few Pokéstops and gyms right on the St. John Fisher College campus, but like any good PokéMaster, there's still exploring to be had.
"It gives you more of an excuse to go venture off," Schmidt explained.
For so many players like Gay, playing Pokémon is all about nostalgia.
"It's actually kind of reignited my obsession with Pokémon again. I actually downloaded the old Game Boy games and I've started playing them again."
So who has the better squad?
Well, it depends on what kind of player you are.
Gay has an Arcanine (1700 Combat Power), Lapras (1500), and a Vaporeon.
Schmidt, on the other hand, is using some long-term strategy.
"I've just been trying to stock pile all the Pokémon I can and I'm going to try and evolve like 100 with a lucky egg so I can just power level (up).....trying to play the long game.”
Both players say they have teammates playing -- they just don’t like to talk about it.
Bills center Eric Wood says he absolutely makes fun of his teammates who play.
"It's weird to me because my little brother did it when I was growing up and I always made fun of him for it and now my teammates do it."
When asked if he plays, Tyrod Taylor laughingly said, “Nah, I ain’t about that.”
Well, Schmidt and Gay are about that.
So next time you're at St John Fisher College, open up the app, and check out the gyms. If they're yellow, you'll know why.
(Writer's Note: Full disclosure, I'm also #TeamInstinct)
Twitter: @Matt_Bove