

UB fieldhouse coming together and nearing completion

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AMHERST, N.Y. (WKBW) — In October 2017, the University at Buffalo broke ground on a new fieldhouse. A year and a half later, it's nearing completion.

According to Athletic Director Mark Alnutt, they hope to have some occupancy in late March with the landscaping and finishing touches to be completed at some point this summer.

"It's so important in terms of space. A lot of the space we utilize right now is either off campus or at Alumni Arena and we are really spread out thin at Alumni Arena," Alnutt said. "Having that opportunity will truly make it a multi-purpose facility. I mentioned the sports teams but also from a recreational standpoint as well."

The Murchie Family Fieldhouse is 92,000 square feet and will feature a turf field, a sprint track, a long jump and pole vault pit, batting cages and dividers so multiple teams can practice at the same time.

The project is funded through philanthropy and football revenue.