Alex Rzepka had been close to bowling a perfect game a few times before. In fact, it's always come down to the one of the final frames.
Which is why a match two weeks ago was nothing new, until it was time for his final bowl.
"It was like being on pins and needles," said head coach Deborah Stoldt. "It was so exciting but scary at the same time."
"The third ball I had to take an extra breath because I was panicking," said Rzepka. "I thought I pulled the last shot but it tripped the fore pin and struck."
A strike that gave him a perfect 300.
"They all went down and it was so exciting, it brought tears to everyone's eyes," Stoldt said.
It was Rzepka's first ever perfect game and the first in Alden's program history.
It's just the latest accomplishment during his junior season. The same night he bowled a 300 he achieved a high three game set of 744, giving him the highest game and set in his Division.
"I think I was leading earlier in the season and I threw a bad series," he said. "I bowled one more match to maintain that. It's a little more pressure but I think I can maintain that."
Next up for the Alden co-captain is the hopes of a few more perfect games and reaching a little higher in that three game set.
"Staying consistent through all three games is quite tricky to stay focused," said Rzepka. "I think an 800 set is the biggest goal for me."