BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — On Monday the Buffalo Sabres introduced the new team dog for the 2022-23 season, an 8-month-old golden retriever named Nikki.
According to the team, Nikki is currently training to be a service dog as part of WNY Heroes' Pawsitive for Heroes program. She was donated to WNY Heroes by the Warden family and named in honor of Nicholas Warden, a U.S. Army veteran from Depew, who was killed in Syria while combating ISIS as a volunteer fighter in 2017.
The Sabres said Nikki will attend select home games and other events to greet fans, cheer on the team, and of course receive belly rubs.

This is the second team dog in the team's history. Last season the Sabres introduced Rick, who was the first, he is currently in the service of U.S. Coast Guard veteran Chris Kankiewicz.
The team said Nikki will eventually be paired with a veteran of her own and they will then go through training together to build the trust and bond between the two.

You can find more information on WNY Heroes here and the Pawsitive For Heroes program here.