SportsSuper 7


SUPER 7: Bennett's Antonio Davis

Antonio Davis Super 7

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — It's bigger than football at Bennett High School.

"Men are measured by how they respond to adversity," said coach Steve Mcduffie. "I think that is what makes Antonio a great young man."

Antonio Davis has been the Tigers quarterback for three winning seasons and closed his final chapter as a state champion.

"I really didn't understand how big of a deal it was at first, but I understand it's a huge deal now," said Davis.

The State Championship was a first for the school's football program.

In the midst of it all, the senior was going through his own battles off the field.

"My mom passing, that was the craziest thing that happened. That was the hardest thing of my life."

His biggest supporter was simply gone too soon.

"It affected me hugely. That's what made me come to this school."

Antonio was able to push through with a brotherhood building at Bennet and a coach he could count on.

"He's always been there anytime I had questions."

As people continue to talk about all the accomplishments and adversity Bennett football overcame to get back to the title game, let them never forget the quarterback who engineered the Tigers offense.

"It couldn't have happened without Antonio Davis," said Mcduffie.