

Autumn's Forecast: Another cooler than normal day Tuesday

Another fall feel to Tuesday with heat returning to end the week
and last updated

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Temperatures remain cooler than average in the lower 70s. Another day in the lower 70s on Tuesday with only a slight chance for a stray shower. It'll remain comfortable with low humidity on Wednesday as the temperatures move closer to average. Thursday reaches the 80s again with only a slight uptick in humidity and a chance for scattered showers and t-storms. The next chance of rain arrives on Friday but looks to clear out in time for the weekend.

MORNING: Partly cloudy, mid 50s.
AFTERNOON: Sun and clouds, mid 70s.

MORNING: Mainly clear, near 60.
AFTERNOON: Mostly sunny, near 80.

MORNING: Partly cloudy, low 60s,
AFTERNOON: Partly sunny, iso. t-storm low 80s.

MORNING: Mostly cloudy, mid 60s.
AFTERNOON: Sctd. t-showers, near 80.