

Autumn's Forecast: Cool temperatures with clearing skies into Wednesday morning

Pick day of the week Wednesday with 70s and sunshine
and last updated

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Cooler overnight with clearing skies from north to south. Some clouds and a few linger showers near the state-line is possible. Temperatures start in the 50s on Wednesday but turn seasonable into the afternoon with highs in the mid-upper 70s. Less humidity and a bit of a breeze with gusts near 20mph. Clouds begin to filter back in Thursday with a few spotty showers into the afternoon. Still uncertainty with the extra track of tropical storm Debbie into Friday but we can at least expect some tropical moisture through the day.

OVERNIGHT: Clearing skies, cool. Upper 50s.

MORNING: Mostly sunny, upper 50s.
AFTERNOON: Mostly sunny, mid 70s.

MORNING: Mainly clear, mid 50s.
AFTERNOON: Partly sunny, few spotty showers. near 80.

MORNING: Sctd. showers, mid 60s.
AFTERNOON: Rain, mid 70s.

MORNING: Sctd. showers, near 60.
AFTERNOON: Partly sunny, mid 70s