

Autumn's Forecast: One more seasonable day before the heat ramps up

More afternoon pop up storms along lake breeze boundaries Tuesday afternoon
and last updated

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Temperatures on Tuesday will be a few degrees warmer with highs in the low 80s. Another shot of strong t-storms for the afternoon hours, north and south of Buffalo. It will be HOT on Wednesday with highs near 90, mainly dry conditions as humidity starts to rise. The next frontal system looks to hold off until well after dark Wednesday night. Hot and humid for Thursday and Friday with temperatures in the mid to upper 80s with bit of a breeze and scattered showers and t-storms. Timing is still uncertain on the cold front which will bring a bit of releif into the weekend Saturday and Sunday with temperatures near 80.

MORNING: Partly to mostly cloudy, stray shower mid-60s.
AFTERNOON: Sctd. t-showers, low 80s.

MORNING: Mostly sunny, near 70.
AFTERNOON: Mostly sunny, near 90.

MORNING: Partly cloudy, near 70.
AFTERNOON: PM t-storms, upper 80s.

MORNING: Partly cloudy, near 70.
AFTERNOON: PM t-storms, upper 80s.