

Here's what you might be able to see during the planetary parade on June 3

Six planets will align before sunrise on June 3

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Six planets will align before sunrise on June 3 for a planetary parade. Looking east, the planet order will be Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn.

All of these will not be visible to the naked eye. Mars will be red in the sky and Saturn will be a small yellow dot. The other planets will mostly be visible with a telescope. The planetary alignment, also known as conjunction, according to NASA, will occur across a large portion of the Northern Hemisphere.

Mercury and Jupiter will be very close to the horizon and twilight will make it difficult to see those planets. Uranus will be difficult to spot as it will also be along the horizon as the sun is rising. Neptune's distance from Earth will make it difficult to spot. Your best chance will be to see Mars and Saturn.