BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The trend is our friend, as far as temperatures go today and into the weekend. Look for local lake breezes to cool things down near the Lake Erie and Lake Ontario shorelines, otherwise we'll see an ample amount of sunshine today and Friday with highs today in the lower 50s. It will turn even milder for Friday with highs into the 60s. Scattered showers will arrive on Saturday, with highs in the upper 60s. However, Sunday's forecast will need to be watched closely because a cold front may drop Sunday's temperatures from the 60s early into the 40s for the afternoon. This will likely make the downtown parade a cool and soggy one.
MORNING: Partly cloudy, near 30.
AFTERNOON: Partly sunny, mid 50s.
MORNING: Partly cloudy, near 50.
AFTERNOON: Sun and clouds, near 70.
MORNING: Mostly cloudy, mid 50s.
AFTERNOON: Sctd. showers, upper 60s.
MORNING: Sct'd showers, mid 50s
AFTERNOON: Rain, 60 degrees, but falling