BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — March will come in like a lion this weekend. Winds will turn gusty with falling temperatures into the mid 20s by Saturday morning. If you're heading out to the Shamrock Run, temperatures will be in the low 20s with single digit wind chills. Be sure to bundle up and cover your hands and head. WNW winds will gust to 35mph on Saturday. Colder air sticks around into Sunday with partly sunny skies and a few light snow showers. Much milder air will return by the middle of next week. Temperatures will be well into the 50s Wednesday!
OVERNIGHT: Rain switches to snow as temps drop through the 30s.
MORNING: Snow showers, mid 20s.
AFTERNOON: Cold breeze, near 20.
MORNING: Mostly cloudy, near 10.
AFTERNOON: Partly sunny, near 20.
MORNING: Partly cloudy, teens.
AFTERNOON: Partly sunny, mid 30s.