BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — With May right around the corner, and many, like my colleague Aaron Mentkowski, doing yard work, along with yard and garden clean-up, it's tempting to make a run for the nearest nursery and garden store to start picking out plants and vegetables for that spring garden. After all, Buffalo already had its first 80-degree high temperature for the season, and May is just days away, so it would seemingly make sense that it's safe!
Well, think again. Mother Nature has other thoughts about the subject. Thoughts that could seriously spoil your garden plans, if you don't act carefully, and don't have a plan.
With temperature records dating back to the 1870s, Buffalo's average last freeze of the season (the last day with a low temperature of 32 degrees) takes place on April 26th. Our first freeze typically takes place on October 24th, which leaves us with an average growing season of 180 days. For reference, that means Buffalo has comparable growing seasons to Topeka, KS, Cincinnati, OH, and Omaha, NE.
Here's a look at how our average date for the last freeze compares to other spots in the Northeast

So what's a good rule of thumb for being safe? Most farmers and gardeners in Western New York whose thumb is green would say "Wait until Memorial Day". This makes perfect sense as Buffalo's LATEST 32-degree low temperature on the books is May 24.
The bottom line here is to use a little patience, and it will go a long way into making your garden a success, instead of a victim of the cold!