The Climate Prediction Center released the seasonal outlook for temperature and precipitation. It shows above average temperatures and precipitation for WNY.
Here's a little closer look at the maps put out by the Climate Prediction Center. It's important to note as you look at the image below you pay close attention to the legend. It's easy to think the darker the colors the higher the temperatures will deviate from normal but that isn't the case. The colors correspond to the likelihood of an given area to be above normal.
As an example, the northeast, which includes WNY, shows above average temperatures. When looking at the legend the probability WNY is above average for the months of June,July and August is 50-60%.
The deepest red signifies the most likely above average temperatures at 60-70% in the four corners region of the United States. The four corners region is the point where New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona meet.

As for precipitation, the eastern half of the county has a chance of above average precipitation with the center of the nation and a good chunk of the Great Lakes having equal chances to go above or below normal. The below normal chances extend from the panhandle of Texas to Washington state along the west coast.

Now, in both instances, between temperatures and precipitation, there can be swings to the opposite category. Eg: a region suggested to be above normal between June, July and August can have days or even a week of below normal temperatures or drier conditions. The Seasonal Outlook averages the entire three months. To learn more about the three-month outlooks and how to read the maps, click here.