Buffalo's winter is going into the record books as one of the top five snowiest on record with 133.3" as of March 21, 2023.

It'll likely remain in the 5th spot for the rest of the season, however April at times can produce several inches of snow and as of writing this, there is potential for accumulating snow in the beginning of April. The 4th spot is about the best this season will be able to do though as you look at the next tiers to jump up to, an additional 20" for top three and number one is almost an entire season snowfall away at nearly 200".
This year has been interesting though when looking at when Buffalo's snow fell.

The majority fell in November and December. To break it down further, the biggest chunk fell on three days in November, the 17th, 18th and 19th (about 36") and four days in December, the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th which totaled about 50".

The next three months paled in comparison with snowfall totals below monthly normals. In total, January to March (so far) equals a third of the season snowfall at 31.7", whereas November and December totaled 101.6".
Another interesting fact of the 2022-2023 winter season is the average temperatures, each month from December to February was above normal.
December averaged 32 degrees, .6 degrees above normal.
November was just over 2 degrees above normal at 43.3 degrees.
By January the average temperature of 25.6 degrees was surpassed by 7 degrees with an average temperature of 32.8 degrees which put it in as the 10th warmest January on record.
Februarys average temperature of 32.1 did about 6 degrees above average and ended in the top 10 warmest on record as well.

The month of March has 10 days left with snow and temperatures both being a bit below average so far. The average temperature sits around 33 degrees but with some milder days ahead, that will likely make up some ground, however another 5" of snow to get to the "normal" for the month looks unlikely.