BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Winter is upon us now which means thinking about your safety. So what are the best ways to stay safe in the event of a winter storm?
Much of Western New York saw its first true bitter blast of winter weather this past weekend and although most of us knew it was well on its way, there were others who, were once again, caught off guard. The vehicles stuck for hours and hours on I-90 near Ripley were just one example of that.
No matter what there are many simple things you can do to stay safe at home or when traveling when winter weather goes into high gear.
Pay attention to these four categories for winter weather safety. You’ll need to think about your home, your car, time spent outside and your pets.

It’s also important to have the right tools for the job when it snows. We may live in Western New York, but we don’t always need a snowblower to remove snow. Sometimes all that we need is a push broom to quickly sweep the snow away.

Oh, and when comes to the tricks of the trade of winter car safety, you might just want to keep some kitty litter in the trunk. It can give your tires increased traction when you’re stuck. And maybe your cat at home will thank you later if you’re ever out of litter!
Got a weather question that you'd like answered? Email me at weather@wkbw.com, and your weather question could be the subject of the next Josh's Weather Academy.